"Yes there is frailty, yes there is weakness, but there is courage also and honor to be found in men." Boromir, Lord of The Rings

Thursday, September 13, 2007

LOVE... Part One.

Ok, so here I am going to try to do the impossible. I started out thinking "How do you define love"? I know that love should come naturally and there are no 5 easy steps to love. Love takes time to grow and develop. I am no believer in love at first sight, because its usually either lust, or shallow love based on how a person looks. to put a definition on it may seem silly, but the best definition I heard comes from C.S. Lewis who always seems to put things in a great perspective.

"Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved ones ultimate good, as far as it can be obtained"

So how do we obtain someones ultimate good, as far as we can, or are morally allowed to obtain it? Thats coming up in part two so stay tuned!

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