"Yes there is frailty, yes there is weakness, but there is courage also and honor to be found in men." Boromir, Lord of The Rings

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Is it possible to be a courageous man and still be afraid? and can being afraid actually help you be courageous?? Well the answer to both questions is YES. a courageous man can be afraid of the consequences of his actions, but he does it anyway if its the right thing to do. The coward, refuses to act because he is afraid, the courageous man acts despite being afraid.

Notice I said IF IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. walking into the Lions cage at the zoo is not courageous, if there is no right reason to do so. It is foolhardy. Even if someone was inside and in danger, it is still a foolhardy man who rushes in when there are other options. being afraid, in these situations KEEPS us from doing foolhardy things.

the Lion in the Wizard of Oz was courageous due to his coming to the aid of Dorothy, despite anting to run on several occasions. the courageous man will act in spite of what may happen to him. A good cause or a good woman is worth any risk.

Being afraid can actually help us be courageous in that it makes us more careful. If we are not afraid of danger and we must act, then we may rush in with no plan, and endanger our lives as well as the ones we love. Fear makes us ever cautious, when we must run into the fray.

For those who dwell in fear, do not lose heart. you are in good company. If the need to act for someones well being at the expense of your own arises, fear will help you meet that task with a plan, and with calm but brave action.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

True courage is being afraid, but doing it anyway...I am still working on that! Thanks for all your help!