"Yes there is frailty, yes there is weakness, but there is courage also and honor to be found in men." Boromir, Lord of The Rings

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


With Apologies to David Gray, Yes its time to Sail Away on a birthday voyage that all are invited to. Step aboard the deck of my solid ship of celebration, and lets go on a joyous month long trip to celebrate birth, life, love, and victory!

Why all the fuss?? well that will be explained in a soon to be released post. But for now let me just say I am eagerly anticipating my October and Early November voyages. Fall Colors, Cider Mills, which I will report on which Mill has the worlds BEST Cider! a tour of the past, and a trip down to an old, but quaint Port City where my voyage will come to a rollicking close. No Mutineers allowed, just shipmates.

And for those, more practical swabs, I will say, I am NOT shirking my responsibilities. the burdens and committments of work and home will be more than taken care of. I worked last Saturday with a headcold cleaning the house and making sure all my things were in order. Work first, play second is a great philosophy! And I always work hard and play hard.

Oh and for those of you who are already thinking that I am wierd, here is more ammo for you. I intend to buy myself gifts too!! what?? has he gone loony?? Is he really a few fries short of a happy meal?? and to top it off, I intend to post them all here. so for those of you who read this, and I know theres a few, although SOME of you do not post comments (major hint here) I just want to warn you, theres more to come.

So in conclusion, let me say that the celebration is underway, all are invited. Scuttle all your troubles away, and come aboard with me for a wonderous journey aboard my fancy rowb.....HEY!! WHO MESSED WITH ME BOAT! ARGGGGGGG

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Well, I love all the pics of the ships. They're beautiful! I can't wait to hear more about your birthday voyage. Can I come along?! :)